About Us

Winnebago County ARES/RACES is a local group of ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) & RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) volunteers, all licensed hams, dedicated to serving the public in time of need. We serve Winnebago County and its local communities.

East Central Wisconsin Emergency Communications is the 501(c)(3) non profit corporation associated with Winnebago county ARES/RACES.

ARES/RACES Leadership

Emergency Coordinator: Aaron Ward, AC9X 

Assistant Emergency Coordinator:  Dan Lenz, KB9IME Admin and Training. Scott Trodel AEC.

Board of Directors

Ben Benesh, KC9CTK 

Aaron Ward, KE5RHE 

Scott Troedel, N9PZR 

John Verwiel, KC9TFM 

Dan Lenz, KB9IME


Please go here for documents related to the organization.

Served Agencies

Our served agencies include Wisconsin Emergency Management,  Winneabo County Emergency Managment, the National Weather Service, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Mercy Medical Center, Theda Clark Memorial Hospital, And Aurora Medical Center – Oshkosh; All through signed Memorandum Of Understanding.